동양선교교회 도서관 발족 - 장서 400권 (The Oriental Mission Church Library started with 400 books in 1983. This early collection occupied a single room in the Oriental Mission Church.)
동양선교교회 도서관을 월드미션대학 신학교 도서관으로 이양 (The part of the Oriental Mission Church Library collection was transferred to the World Mission Theological Seminary Library.)
월드미션대학과 도서관 새 캠퍼스로 이전 (The Seminary and the library moved to the building located in Shatto Place.)
월드미션대학교 도서관이 국립중앙도서관의 해외협력도서관이 됨 (The World Mission University Library became one of the overseas partner libraries of the National Library of Korea.)
월드미션대학교 도서관이 한국어 전자책 구입을 시작함 (The World Mission University Library started buying a collection of Korean ebooks.)
월드미션대학교 도서관이 미국신학도서관협회의 상호대차프로그램에 가입함 (The World Mission University Library participated in the American Theological Library Association’s Reciprocal Borrowing Program.)